How to Bring the Pre-diabetic Stage Under Control

As a condition, diabetes is often widely discussed. The discourse around it is rich, and people always have new-fangled diet tips and some herbal concoction or two to share when the subject comes up. With all this talk around diabetes, the subject of pre-diabetes tends to get swept under the rug.

If you are interested in learning about pre-diabetes, then this blog is for you. Most people are unaware that pre-diabetes is a condition in itself and it affects millions of people worldwide. But what exactly is pre-diabetes and how does it differ from diabetes?

So what is the pre-diabetic stage really?

 Pre-diabetes is characterised by elevated blood sugar levels that are higher than usual but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. As the name suggests, it is a condition that comes before diabetes, if it is not checked in time, pre-diabetes will develop into full-blown diabetes.

 What makes it so tricky is that pre-diabetes may go unnoticed for years without causing any symptoms. It's vital to remember that this condition can be harmful in itself; many people with prediabetes already have reduced beta-cell function by the time they're diagnosed with diabetes. This signifies that you may not realise you have pre-diabetes until major health concerns arise. Hence a serious wake-up call is needed.

Managing pre-diabetes

The major difference between pre-diabetes and diabetes is that, in contrast to diabetes, pre-diabetes can often be reversed. If you catch this condition early enough, you can reverse it by making significant changes to your everyday lifestyle. These lifestyle adjustments are both cost-effective and safe. They can delay or even prevent the onset of diabetes. Some of which are:

 1. Regular exercise

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exercise are one of the major risk factors for pre-diabetes and diabetes. Exercise is routinely recommended as one of the effective strategies for overall good health and blood sugar management. Exercise improves insulin sensitivity and thus helps pull glucose from the bloodstream into your cells so that glucose can be used for energy. Including exercise in your daily routine will help keep glucose in a healthy target range. But if you're unable to exercise for some reason, working out isn't the sole way to combat pre-diabetes; the idea is to get more active and get moving. When it comes to managing pre-diabetes, simply walking for 60 minutes a day can make a big difference.
However, all decisions regarding the initiation of exercise programs for prediabetics or diabetics should be taken in consultation with a physician/diabetologist.

 2. Get more fibre

Dietary fiber is part of a healthy diet and can provide a range of health benefits such as promoting weight loss, lowering insulin requirements and decreasing serum cholesterol and triglyceride values. It can be especially important in preventing or managing diabetes. High fibre foods have a low caloric value and low glycaemic index and therefore diabetics should consume such foods. Including whole grains (unpolished cereals and millets), legumes, fruits, and vegetables in your diet is an effective way to add fibre and manage blood sugar levels.

 3. Following a proper diet

Diet is an important part of a pre-diabetes management plan. The diet can be as close to the normal diet as possible so as to meet the nutritional needs of the individual. Carbohydrates with high-fiber and low glycemic index should be included in the diet. It is recommended that 12–15% of total calories be derived from proteins. Reduced intake of fatty foods is recommended as it may result in obesity which in turn can cause diabetes. Foods to be avoided include simple sugars (glucose, table sugar), candies, and fruits such as banana, mango, grapes, and sweetened fruit juices.
You must be cautious about what you put into your body in order to avoid blood sugar spikes. As body responds differently to different types of foods and diets, consulting a registered dietician nutritionist to make an eating plan that works for an individual is very important.

Getting proper sleep

Sleep is essential for proper health and well-being. Getting good sleep is important for your mind, body, and diabetes management.
Getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night regularly can make your diabetes difficult to manage. Too little sleep can impact appetite, making it harder to lose weight, increase insulin resistance, and make your immune system weak.

Along with these nutrition and lifestyle changes, you can add Horlicks Diabetes Gummies to your daily routine. Have 2 Horlicks Diabetes Gummies before any meal#. It contains mulberry leaf extract which inhibits the activity of an alpha-glucosidase enzyme responsible for carbohydrate breakdown into simple sugars. Inhibition of the enzyme activity slows the breakdown of carbohydrates. This results in lower blood glucose rise in our blood which helps manage blood sugar levels~.

It's evident how certain tiny, very impactful decisions can help you live a better, longer, and healthier life. Of course, you need to be proactive enough to get going and bring about these changes in your routine. As long as you consistently put these lifestyle tips to good use, it will set you on the right path to a healthy and diabetes-free life.



This article is intended as general guidance only and is primarily based on the sources referred herein. HUL does not endorse the advice, opinion or other information provided in this article. Please consult your doctor for specific conditions or queries before making any changes to diet and food intake.

 #Not to exceed the stated recommended daily usage. (Refer pack for more details) ~Based on published scientific literature on efficacy of Mulberry leaf extract to help manage post-meal blood glucose levels.
